Join WHO to launch of ‘Integrated care for older people handbook: guidance for person-centred assessment and pathways in primary care, 2nd edition’ on Wednesday 29 January, 13.00-14.15 CET
The primary audience for the launch event is health workers, including community health workers, and others involved in the delivery of health and social care and support services for older people at the community level. Other audiences include health workers at the facility levels, policy makers, programme managers, CSOs, academics and researchers, who support care for older people.
- To raise awareness of the importance of integrated, person-centred care for older people;
- To highlight the changes made to the ICOPE handbook in the second edition;
- To provide examples of how community stakeholders can support integrated care for older people, including in low resource settings;
- To acknowledge and appreciate the vital role of CHWs and other community stakeholders in the delivery of integrated care for older people.
- Greetings: Anshu Banerjee, Director, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and Ageing Department, WHO HQ
- Remarks from older person; Ms. Gabrielle Keep, Andorra
- Summary of ICOPE handbook second edition: Yuka Sumi, Medical Officer, Ageing and Health Unit, WHO
- Panel discussion with community stakeholders and health and care workers:
- Vira Tum, HelpAge Cambodia, Cambodia
- Rafael Ríos Sigala, Health promotor, Mexico
- Emmanuel Martin Odhiambo, Community health assistant, Kenya
- N.D. Chanika Ruwanthi, Public health nursing officer, Sri Lanka
- Parvathy Chandrababu, Healthcare programme manager, Qatar
Further information about ICOPE and healthy ageing is available here Ageing and Health unit (