PORTLAND, Ore. (KATU) — Portland Public Schools will have a new phone policy starting in the fall of 2025.
The policy will be districtwide, after the school board voted 5-2 on Tuesday, approving the ban. The policy comes amid nationwide crackdowns on phone for students. A Pew Research Study cites that 72% of U.S. high school teachers say phones a distraction in the classroom.
READ MORE: Portland Public Schools passes district-wide cellphone ban
Specifics on the rollout are still in the works, according to a Portland Public Schools spokesperson.
“Many schools already have existing cell phone policies; others will be implementing a plan for the first time. The districtwide off-and-away-all-day policy will be in effect next school year,” the spokesperson said in an email to KATU.
Students and parents KATU spoke to were split on the new policy.
“We’re not learning or anything during lunch, so if you have your phone out, I don’t think it’s a problem because it’s not impacting your focus or anything with school,” one high school student told KATU in response to the school’s stance on the phones being put away even during lunch.
“I think in general, I think the cell phones have been detrimental to schools,” said parent Eric Happel. He went on to say he felt phones and schools are not a good mix.
The district plans to purchase thousands of pouches to store the students’ phones during the school day. According to quotes sent over by the district, the cost could be anywhere from $8,000 to $725,000, but those final decisions haven’t been made yet. Officials say right now, there is no clear way on how this will be paid for.