Age Friendly Community Initiative (AFCI) in Bethel, hosts a variety of free programs available to older Mainers living in the area. Their mission is to explore ways to make the community more supportive of healthy aging and to enable people to stay in their own homes and communities as they age.For the seventh year, AFCI is offering a free indoor walking program. The program is held at Gould Academy in the field house, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 pm to 2 pm during the winter months. The indoor space has a flat surface away from the icy cold weather conditions. Paula Wheeler with AFCI says, “There are people that show up with walkers. My son is in a wheelchair. He doesn’t have the opportunity to get out and take the usual walks that we do spring, summer, and fall. So this is just a great opportunity that a Gould lets us do.”Wheeler says the walking program not only improves participants physical health, but their mental, emotional and social health too. A goal of the program is to decrease the loneliness and isolation older Americans often suffer from. Wheeler says, “I know it improves mine, both by being here and by being able to bring people together.”
Age Friendly Community Initiative (AFCI) in Bethel, hosts a variety of free programs available to older Mainers living in the area. Their mission is to explore ways to make the community more supportive of healthy aging and to enable people to stay in their own homes and communities as they age.
For the seventh year, AFCI is offering a free indoor walking program. The program is held at Gould Academy in the field house, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 pm to 2 pm during the winter months.
The indoor space has a flat surface away from the icy cold weather conditions.
Paula Wheeler with AFCI says, “There are people that show up with walkers. My son is in a wheelchair. He doesn’t have the opportunity to get out and take the usual walks that we do spring, summer, and fall. So this is just a great opportunity that a Gould lets us do.”
Wheeler says the walking program not only improves participants physical health, but their mental, emotional and social health too. A goal of the program is to decrease the loneliness and isolation older Americans often suffer from.
Wheeler says, “I know it improves mine, both by being here and by being able to bring people together.”